The Integration of Religion, Politics, and Spirituality for a Harmonious Society

Spirituality and Politics: Religion and politics are inseparable, especially in a multi-religious country like India. If politics moves in the right direction, with politicians carrying out their political missions with spiritual devotion, it could be the remedy for many worldly miseries. A stable outer order cannot be built without faith in an inner order. Religion must never again inspire hatred or violence, nor be used as a tool for the pursuit of power. The solution to our problems lies not in separating religion and politics, but in properly integrating higher spiritual perspectives with politics aimed at the welfare of all.

Spiritual Justice in Politics

Spirituality is a dynamic process, involving creative impulses working through exceptional individuals to uplift mankind. We must aim for spiritual justice in addition to economic, political, and social justice. As Shri Rajnikant rightly said, spirituality has no religion. A true spiritualist sees God in every living being and embraces everyone with love, regardless of caste or religion. The goal of spirituality is public welfare, achieved through corruption-free, transparent administration without discrimination. Good governance involves responsibility, accountability, impartiality, and transparency. Spiritual justice bridges human judgment and divine justice, and despite challenges, we must strive for it, knowing that the true judge will see the truth in our actions and intentions.

The Need for Spiritual Renewal

Dr. Radhakrishnan warned that the world could fall into violence, chaos, and misery if we fail to adjust to the world order. He emphasized the need for spiritual renewal, with the new world order being driven by a deep spiritual impulse. However, this spiritual goal must be genuine, not just a deceptive slogan. Religion and politics, though often considered separate, are interlinked in societies that are religiously sensitive. Leaders like Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Justice Ranade sought to spiritualize Indian politics by emphasizing self-surrender, dedication to the country’s cause, and the purity of actions. Their aim was to bring justice to social relations based on fairness rather than exploitation.

Spirituality and Non-Violence

Mahatma Gandhi believed that public, social, political, and economic life would be much purer if conducted in the spirit of spirituality. He said that anything obtained through violence and hatred cannot be retained forever, but what is obtained through non-violence and love can last eternally. Gandhi’s principles highlight the importance of integrating spirituality into politics to create lasting peace and justice.

Balancing Freedom: Freedom Of and Freedom From

Freedom can be classified into two types: freedom of and freedom from. Freedom of religion, speech, and assembly are negative freedoms, meaning they protect individuals from being prevented from expressing themselves. However, positive freedoms, such as freedom from hunger, disease, poverty, corruption, and unemployment, are equally important. The challenge lies in balancing these freedoms so that “freedom of” does not become selfish and “freedom from” does not lead to totalitarianism. Spirituality provides the guidance needed to balance these freedoms and fill the value gap in society.

Spirituality and Democracy

Spirituality’s primary concern is to provide people with positive goals that promote justice, peace, harmony, and prosperity for all segments of society. Both types of freedom—freedom of and freedom from—are essential, and spirituality can help us mix them in the right proportions. Democracy provides a mechanism for resolving conflicts, and it is crucial to remember that spirituality is not the enemy of democracy. In fact, spirituality can complement democracy by encouraging ethical behavior and social harmony.

Conclusion: Spirituality and Politics

As we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Constitution of India, let us pledge to reaffirm and rededicate ourselves to universal values of love, brotherhood, compassion, and selfless service. We must also reassert the principles of peace and communal harmony to create a society that sustains and enriches life based on love, trust, and unity. The integration of spirituality and politics is essential for building a just and peaceful society, where governance is guided by higher values and dedicated to the welfare of all.

Spirituality and Politics

Dr. Ezekiel Isaac Malekar

Head of the Jewish community in New Delhi

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